So.. I have spent the last week thoroughly enjoying myself. The realisation I wouldn't be teaching for a week and the subsequent gloom I had felt quickly disappeared as I became used to being a bit of a bum! Siem Reap is akin to a wild west sort of town, hot dusty roads you expect to see tumbleweed rolling over... but it is also mixed with such a huge selection of swish bars, cafes and restaurants it is quite unbelievable. Of course, I have been doing my best to sample a fair few of these, intermingled with time spent eating at stalls etc. I spent time swimming at hotel pools and hanging out, but I also managed a few cultural things such as visiting the angkor national museum, which was quite helpful ahead of visiting the temples... I also spent an afternoon visiting a silk farm, oddly interesting... a man-made lake where loads of khmer people were enjoying a day out (it was still the national holiday) swimming and running around, and a quick visit to the war museum.. which is mainly a selection of rusting and decaying tanks sat in a kind of garden, with wispy plants and flowers winding their way around them.
It is amazing how quickly time can pass when you are "taking it easy". I have also discovered a love for the sugar cane drink everyone seems to have, you get it with ice in a plastic bag... I would have one every day if it wasn't for the fear I might end up with a rather nasty side effect one day!
My friend Ian and his girlfriend Abbie both arrived on Saturday which was unexpected and exciting, we have spent the last few evenings catching up whilst sampling different restaurants and drinking angkor draft beer... it has been nice to hang out with people I know and socialise a bit... and naughtily eat things like pizzas with!! I always thought this trip would be a massive detox and I'd lose lots of weight, but sat a minute ago tucking into a delicious croissant and coffee in the sun outside a very french cafe, I am starting to think I might need a little more will power for that to happen... this really is turning into an "eat,pray,love" holiday, with siem reap being italy... not quite sure a month in china will be as spirtual as staying on an indian yoga retreat though!
well school starts today so my little foray into a siem reap holiday will be coming to an end.. but i think this is very much a good thing!! I went out to the village yesterday! I didn't actually teach but I visited the school. The journey out there is amazing, past ankor wat and loads of amazing temples, and then on this dirt road through rice paddies... the school seems very well built and organised, and the children appeared diligent in their chores of sweeping the classroom and getting water from the water pump. It was the little ones yesterday, who i won't be teaching... but i start today!! I feel a bit nervous but am also trying not to think about it too much, I figure worrying myself about it won't help. The only slight negative was the heat really, i will have to make sure i take loads of water with me, it is hard to explain what this heat is like but it really does "take it out of you"... this is the new phrase of the week!
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