What can I say...I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!! Hong Kong is my absolute favourite city in the world, and it was made doubly exciting by the fact that I was meeting Adam at the Airport, having flown in from London.
We are staying on the edge of Kowloon, next to the Peninsula tee hee, and the city is every bit as spectacular as I remember...
Highlights so far:
- Dim sum every day... especially good at a teahouse where everyone was Chinese and it was served by ladies with a trolley!
- Accidentally walking into the 8,000 people demonstration against the Chinese Communist Party! That's right folks, we've managed to come on the eve of the 20 year anniversary of Tiananmen Square disaster!
Bus ride to Stanley with views all over the Island
View from the Peak at night
Wandering through a park where people bring their birds out for the day
Swimming in Kowloon park
Going to a Peking restaurant and sharing a whole duck. yum yum fatty fatty - but it was the only option!
and just wandering about soaking it all up. It's like bitesize China, everything is manageable and there is always some helpful person around who speaks English...nice prep for the real thing in a few days!
I love eating. I can only imgaine the eating you two gastronomes are gettign up too.