Well 350ml to be precise... of blood!
Yes that's right, having never given blood before (too gross and scary to contemplate) I decided Cambodia seemed a good place to start!
Alex was up for it, having done it before, so off we went...
It is all safe and above board, well it's in the Rough Guide at any rate.
After a delicious and enormous breakfast at my fave cafe La Boulangerie we went to Angkor Children's Hospital... we were led to this little lab and asked to fill out a form, and then went to a small room together and basically had to watch each other give blood! Seeing me start to look really queasy Alex fortunately let me go first. Thank god!! I may not have done it otherwise. I know it is a really important thing and I should do it at home too, but I have to say I kind of hate it! The sensation of it coming out of your arm makes me feel sick. But I did it! And so did Alex, and we got a t-shirt and everything. Yahoo!
This was my last day in Siem Reap, a day well spent. Of course a couple more frozen margaritas helped it along too....
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