My last week began on a high as on Monday we weren't teaching but instead were giving out new shoes! So far HH had not supplied the kids were shoes, but some of them do not have any (one little boy on the English Excursion was not wearing any), and I'm sure plenty of the ones who did have could use a new pair. It was quite a mammoth task for Sopheap to organise, as due to classes changing over (each month the public school switches kids from morning to afternoon) for some bizarre reason there were now over hundred kids in the avo, and only 7 in the morning! I acted as his assistant writing down the kids student numbers as they came up to try them on...
They were all really excited, and seemed delighted with their new shoes, again it felt a rare treat to be a part of it.
The rest of the week passed in much the same way as the others. Teaching in the afternoons with Sopheap (I played a good role in the "what's that? What are those?" game- my new found strength in the teaching english world!)...
This week Thea was busy helping various children and villagers so I had a change of driver, Mr Thy was again called! He seemed to quite enjoy the wait for me and was taking lots of photos on his phone of the buffalo and frogs! Afterwards he took me for a fruit shake where we had another bizarre conversation in our broken khmerglish. (well really english since my khmer sucks - it is definitely harder than chinese!)
jenny and i went to a pub quiz on thursday night which was very funny. Her housemates backed out at the last minute so it was only us two- facing much larger teams of 6-10! I was convinced we would probably be last but we weren't, and came fifth. we rocked! I will never now forget where chernobyl is though having originally put the ukraine and changing it at the last minute to belarus..yes- it's in the ukraine!
My last day going out to the school was much more overwhelming than I would have expected. The previous day Sopheap had spent time with the kids and they all - yes all!- made me a card. I arrived at the school and realised it was a proper party day, Chanty and his family had come out and Jenny was there. Sopheap arranged all the kids so that when I came into the classroom they all yelled out "thanks siobhan you have been a great teacher we will miss you we hope to see you again"
I then had to sit down whilst they all one by one came up and gave me their card saying different things but mainly thank you. it was amazing and completely unexpected! I felt very emotional and even started welling up (not really like me at all!) but it was hard not to. I have only been here three weeks, I can't imagine what it must feel like to be here for three months or longer...
Even though it has been for a short time I do feel like I have gotten to know them and their cheeky smiling faces. so the rest of the afternoon was taken up with games such as tug-of-war, skipping, a bowling stone game, and musical mats (proved to be hilarious cos of the kids dancing to the music).. and it all ended with us handing out sweeties/biscuits. Even with this the kids were amazingly polite and all lined up patiently to get their treat- probably over a hundred of them!
then they all ran off into the sunset (ah how idyllic!) with shrieks of "bye siobhan"and many giving me high fives... as jenny said- it is just so nice when they know your name... i don't know why but it is! I was really sad to go. It went by just too quickly, but oh well. I have lots of good memories!
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