Saturday, May 16, 2009

The last supper...

On my last Friday I took the Helping Hands team out for dinner to say thanks for all their help, and hey, I am always game for a piss up!
We went to a Cambodian BBQ restaurant and it was awesome, on the outskirts of town and outside. Chanty (Cambodian Director) came with his wife and three gorgeous kids, Thea and his wife, Sopheap, Chanty's sister, and Jenny. Sadly Savanne was busy.
The food was really nice! Although I have to say it's a good thing I like offal as there was a lot of liver, heart and kidney..hmm! But plenty of seafood and veggies too. I think they should start one up in London...but perhaps with the addition of steak....!
We all drank beer (well I say all, it was all the Men plus Jenny and I) and ended up a bit tipsy. Ok I was a bit tipsy and the guys were probably all pretty drunk, I think 12 years of hard core drinking in London has paid off! Always knew it was good for something...
It was a fun night, nice to see everyone let their hair down so to speak and get to know them all a bit better. Also fun was the cambodian "cheers"which means you have to finish your glass in one... Non-surprisingly I was the slowest and as Jenny pointed out I had eleven years more drinking experience than her- that made me feel old ha ha!

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