Friday, April 10, 2009

Kuala Lumpur Part 1: Be careful what you wish for

The reason I say this is that I have to confess the few days before my departure I was having a fair few moments of panic, stress and downright fear! Most of all was the upset of saying goodbye to my family and leaving Adam behind... to board my Air Asia plane alone! Their boast of the first low cost long haul carrier certainly “does what it says on the tin” to the extent I felt like I had gone back twenty years and boarded a plane to Boston...perhaps it was one of them!!! Sadly this flight is double the length. Drinks and snacks need to be paid for, along with entertainment, and as the seats seemed incredibly tiny even for me, I would not recommend a twelve and a half hour flight in this manner to anyone bar the true penny pinchers we all know. But to be honest I am not complaining as it wasn't so bad....and fortunately somewhere between the first and last hour I had managed to compose myself and embark from the plane excited rather than freaked out.

I hadn't been off the plane for more than half an hour and I had already managed to land myself a prize weirdo. When looking for the bus into KL I was accosted by Lee from Birmingham. I was slightly all over the place trying to tie my hair back as I was already sweating like a trojan and it was only 6am and somehow Lee managed to discover I had already been to KL so promptly sat next to me on the bus asking all sorts of enlightened questions about whether he should drink the water and eat food from stalls...I know I sound like I am being a complete cow but this was swiftly followed by him telling me all about the hot Aussie he had sat next to on the plane and how he was looking to go out, get drunk and find some hot Malaysian women. I did feel a slight twinge of guilt completely turning down his offer to meet for drinks (yeah right) , but I do feel better knowing I would rather be all alone than listening to some toss pot.

Considering I had barely been in Malaysia for 1 hour and I was already cold shouldering a fellow traveller I figured things could only look up... so when I decided to have a spot of noodley brekkie (it was only 7 am and the hostel didn't open till 9) I didn't expect panic to immediately ensue with some French bloke shrieking that his bag had been stolen. Obviously I hadn't seen anything, I was far too busy trying to order breakfast and hadn't even noticed the guy so wasn't particularly helpful. Feeling like I was now eating in Malaysias top crime spot I huddled my bags around me rather pathetically and tucked in. Only to have a rather nice man named Sham (I kid you not) come and speak to me. He was a business man from Sarawang, but had apparently lived in England 10 years ago. When I asked him if he liked it I have to say he seemed like he had to force out a yes, but it turned out he went to Salford University so who can blame him.

Well all this adventure and chatting and it was still only 8am! But it was certainly the most excitement for one day because as soon as I checked in at the Equator Hostel I pretty much slept all day. That evening I wandered up to the Petronas Towers, KL is bizarrely simple to navigate although I wouldn't exactly describe it as pedestrian friendly. I ate some more mee goreng for dinner at a street stall, gulped down an ice cold beer and felt truly at peace with the world.

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